B12 Deficiency: Still America’s #1 Missed Diagnosis


Over the years of writing Health Tips, I was surprised to discover that one I’d written a few years ago about vitamin B12 deficiency had received the most comments and questions from readers. Since there have been some interesting developments in both the diagnosis and treatment of B12 deficiency and since B12 deficiency remains so common, this seems like a good opportunity for some updates.

The symptoms of low levels of vitamin B12 can be pretty vague. You’re just not feeling right and you’re tired, maybe a little depressed, a bit achy. Your digestion might somehow feel off and you’re not thinking clearly. Balancing a check book becomes an exercise in higher math.

Still, could she be overlooking something?

All about B12

One of the eight B vitamins, B12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell in your body. Years ago B12 was called the “maturation factor” because cells need B12 to mature from being young and ineffectual whippersnappers to fully functioning, mature cells. Imagine a child, about seven years old, who’s stuck at that age and can’t grow into adolescence and later adulthood. Now imagine a magical substance that will allow her to grow and mature. That’s vitamin B12.

In fact, B12 is so potent a factor in cell maturation that some of the original studies on it showed that cells in the bone marrow (where blood is manufactured) when deliberately deprived of B12 could mature in just a few hours when B12 was added. This phenomenon explained how B12-deficient patients reported feeling magically rejuvenated within a day or two of their first B12 injection.

What causes B12 deficiency?

The list of causes is lengthy, but by far the most common is dietary. Vegetarians who aren’t paying attention to the B12 in their food choices will have downward-drifting B12 levels, and virtually all vegans not taking vitamin B12 supplements ultimately develop deficiencies. Even vegan organizations acknowledge it’s not possible to get adequate B12 while following a strictly vegan diet, and that’s because the richest sources are animal products.

Treatment is easy

It’s virtually impossible to take too much B12 as any excess of this water-soluble vitamin is eliminated via the urine. Nutritional guru Alan Gaby, MD, has commented that the only way too much B12 will kill you is if you fill your bathtub with it and drown.

There are many who prefer vape Vitamins as a means to energize their mood, battle maxairty, and depression. The majority of people who like to vape as a means to energize their mood find it comforting to carry energy inhalers along with them.

Read more – How To Treat B12 Deficiency


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