How Vaping Can Help Decrease Cigarette Consumption


Vaping as a means to quit smoking has fired a series of discussions, debates, and mixed reactions from all parts of the globe. 

With an increasing number of individuals looking to get rid of their addiction, vaping has depicted great potential compared to traditional smoking cessation methods, like nicotine patches and gums. 

A study dating back to 2019 showed how close to twenty percent of people who took to vaping as a way to get rid of their tobacco addiction weren’t smoking after a year. The findings were pitted against the data involving another group that relied solely on nicotine  replacement therapy  and merely managed to quit their habit at a rate of no more than nine percent. 

Furthermore, a new study titled, “The effect of e-cigarettes on smoking cessation and cigarette smoking initiation: An evidence-based rapid review and meta-analysis,” has further run a series of researches across a total of eleven databases spanning five years; from 2015-2020. 

Although the results have been a mixed one, it didn’t deter from re-establishing the fact that compared to nicotine replacement therapies, vaping assumes a commanding position to help people quit smoking. 

This post mulls over the findings of the new research study to establish the role of vaping in decreasing cigarette consumption. 

Vaping as a potentially safe option 

The latest research in discussion comprised of certain important parameters that included: 

  • Randomized controlled trials 
  • Cohort studies with comparison of e-cigs against placebo e-cigarettes, and
  • Nicotine replacement therapy 

As such, the primary outcome of the research was based on the data obtained from episodes of smoking initiation as well as cessation coming from non-smoking teenagers. Adverse events as a secondary outcome were also taken into consideration.

Particularly,  the smoking cessation data presented before  findings from a total of four systematic reviews to conclude how vaping can help alter the dependency on tobacco. 

Additionally, five other random controlled trials established the supremacy of vaping over placebos linked to smoking cessation and typical nicotine replacement therapies. 

The findings also showed how individuals who are adolescents and have never vaped in their life run a strong chance to pick up smoking in the long run. 

Is Vaping linked to one’s personality 

While the earlier study report has impressive findings, another study in the US led by researchers Douglas C. Smith and Kevin Tan reportedly challenged the opinion of several public health experts on vaping. 

It opened up to significant data on students looking for fun and excitement. In all probability, the study suggested that such students are more likely to get addicted to tobacco and use vapor starter kits in tandem. 

Speaking on the same line, here’s an instance of how people are making an intelligent switch to vaping. In a country like Australia, which is touted to be the darkest of all markets for tobacco given the stricter rules and regulations, reportedly witnessed a sales figure of USD 125.14 in 2019 for vaping products alone. Such data establishes how people are constantly turning towards buying products like vapor starter kits, courtesy Sydney vapor shop online.

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