Top Vitamin B12 Sources For Your Healthy Brain Function


Getting sufficient amounts of B12 from a regular diet is possible and many healthy adults are able to fulfill the B12 deficiency from their diet. Elderly people have B12 deficiency and it is because they are not taking foods rich in B12. Sometimes, due to age related problems their body is not able to absorb B12 from food, so they take B12 supplementsto meet the B12 requirements of the body.

How is B12 important for the brain?

Vitamin B12 deficiency is also associated with memory loss and it is quite common in older adults. It also prevents brain atrophy which is loss of brain neurons and it can cause dementia or memory loss.

A study was conducted on people who had early stage dementia. The study revealed that omega 3 fatty acid and vitamin B12 supplements showed mental decline. Another study showed that people who have low levels of B12 had poor memory and supplanting people with B12 vitamin is a great way to improve memory. Even if the deficiency is diagnosed clinically, taking B12 supplements is very helpful for the brain.

The B12 job is to maintain healthy nerve cells that support brain function properly and help in the production of RNA and DNA. It also improves the formation of red blood cells.

What else can B12 deficiency lead to?

Low levels B12 not only affects the proper functioning of the brain, but it also causes numbness, dizziness, tingling in toes and fingers and some severe problems. Some severe issues are memory loss, problems with walking and loss of mobility. Your diet is one of the best ways to fulfill the deficiency and an average adult should take 2.4mcg of B12. Following are some best food sources of B12:

  • Animal Liver and kidneys: 
  • Chewy Shellfish or Clams:
  • Beef: 
  • Tuna: 

Food choices for vegans:

  • Breakfast cereals: 
  • Fortified nutritional yeast: 
  • Milk and dairy products: 

Another way to Fulfill B12 deficiency

Many people are switching to B12 vapes to fulfill the deficiency of B12 in the body. As per a research it is stated that B12 is absorbed well when it is inhaled. You can inhale vitamin B12to give an instant boost of B12 to your body. It is vegan friendly and those who cannot eat animal based food to fulfill B12 deficiency in the body can use the B12 diffuser pens.

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