Should Nicotine Vaping Be Legalized In Australia Like NZ?


To legalize Nicotine vape in Australia like NZ there is great pressure on the Australian politicians. People want laws to be changed around e cigarettes and tobacco E liquid in Australia.

Australians who want to buy Nicotine Salts vape require a prescription and a special chemist else they are fined heavily and even put behind the bars.

The government in Australia is strict about making the nicotine vape legal as it is in New Zealand, United States and Britain. At the same time it is lenient when it comes to selling cigarettes. You cannot buy nicotine Saltfreely but you can buy conventional cigarettes without any problems. The consequences are bad if someone is caught purchasing the e liquid or other vape products without a prescription. A potential jail time and heavy fine is sure to give a hard time to vapers.

Some forty leading Australian academics and researchers have written to the therapeutic goods administration to make nicotine vape of less nicotine concentration to be used in an e-cig. It is because this nicotine is classified like the poisons standard as the schedule 7 dangerous poison.

There have been legal restrictions in the country to buy the vape products and still people are ordering the products from online vape store New Zealand and other stores. This number is growing.

The ban on nicotine should be legalized because this pure form of nicotine has less number of harmful toxins. The government is allowing tobacco cigarettes which are more harmful for the people as well as the environment. The pure form of nicotine is not just used in e liquids but in many nicotine replacement therapies so it should be allowed in the form of e cigarettes as well.

If there are proper regulations under the Australian Consumer Law then the product quality or safety will not be compromised. The sale to kids or teens will be easily restricted and this will ensure proper advertising along with child resistant containers. The black market and sales associated with black market will also be over.

As per a recent study 6 million Europens were able to quit smoking using e cigs  and in the UK 1.3 million smokers are now using e cigarettes. If nicotine will be available legally then Autralians do not have to depend on the vape store NZ or of any other country and they can leave smoking for good.

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