10 Refreshing And Rejuvenating Ways To Quit Smoking
Smoking is still a worldwide trend, with 1.1 billion smokers and 200 million more using other tobacco products. The annual consumption of cigarettes is close to 5 trillion, which results in more than 8 million deaths and about US $2 trillion in economic losses. Growing smoking rates among children aged 13 to 15 in many nations, as well as tobacco industry strategies including focusing on underdeveloped nations with lax regulatory settings and introducing fresh products in undeveloped areas, pose a threat to global growth. More than 50 million 13- to 15-year-olds now smoke cigarettes or use other smokeless tobacco products , and this number has increased in 63 of the 135 countries studied. Currently, nations with the highest rates of youth tobacco use typically score lower on the Human Development Index . Teenage girls are now more likely than adult women to smoke cigarettes in a number of these nations, including Haiti and Mauritania , suggesting tha...