Natural Herbs And Supplements For Arthritis & Joint Pain
Arthritis is a broad term that refers to a group of medical disorders marked by inflammation, pain, and stiffness in the joints. Herbs and other natural therapies may be useful in the treatment of joint pain. In addition to natural cures, medical therapies, moderate exercise, and adequate nutrition can help patients manage their arthritis symptoms. The Arthritis Foundation estimates that over 350 million people globally suffer from the disease. Herbs and vitamins, for example, may be safe and effective therapy choices with few severe adverse effects. Natural therapies, on the other hand, have received little research. Animal models or cell lines are frequently used in scientific studies to evaluate plant chemicals. Natural remedy clinical studies are quite rare. Continue reading to learn about the top nine herbs for arthritis. Ashwagandha Ayurvedic medicine uses Ashwagandha as a natural therapy. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and may serve as a pain reliever by preventing pai...