How Vaping Is Different Than Smoking?
However, the truth is, vaping is way different from smoking and shouldn’t be considered as a means to a new addiction. In other words, vaping can be adopted as a way to quit smoking, like an antidote that will satisfy your nicotine craving , but cause lesser harm in the process. In this post, we take a closer perspective at both smoking and vaping to help form a comprehensive idea. When you smoke cigarettes, it gives you an instant hit and a harsh feeling to lungs. In most cases, one can’t even taste the tobacco but the bitter tasting formaldehyde. Besides, as a smoker your mouth and hands stink from holding on to the filter at the end. Some smokers also develop the habit of spitting at regular intervals which arises due to the nicotine intake and gradually builds up across your saliva inside the mouth. Reportedly, some smokers also prefer taking a shower after a heavy round of smoking to get rid of the stinking smell. At times, when talking to someone , it...