
Showing posts from November, 2020

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

  Vitamin B12 deficiency   can have serious consequences, yet up to 40% of American adults are believed to have below-normal levels of vitamin B12. Deficiency symptoms include weakness, loss of appetite, constipation, numbness or tingling in the arms and legs, difficulty maintaining balance, and shortness of breath. If left untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a host of neurological problems including gait abnormalities, neuropathy, neuropsychiatric manifestations, and impaired vision, taste, and smell. In the long term, this can ultimately lead to permanent nerve and brain damage, brain atrophy, dementia and Alzheimer’s. Who’s at Risk for Vitamin B12 Deficiency You are at increased risk for B12 deficiency if you: are a vegetarian or vegan are age 60 or over take acid-suppressing drugs take metformin for diabetes have a chronic digestive disorder such as Crohn’s, celiac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome have an eating disorder have had weight loss surgery have H. pylori, the

Are terpenes essential oils?

  At first glance, terpenes and essential oils can seem like the same thing; they both can come from plants, they’re both aromatic, they’re both used for many of the same things. These many similarities have led to a wide misconception that they are the same thing, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Terpenes are organic compounds that provide botanicals with their flavour and aroma. The most common source of natural terpenes are plants but even some insects can produce  terpenes  on their own. Though you may not know it, you encounter terpenes every day. One common place you will come across terpenes is the kitchen. For example, the terpene gives your standard lemon juice and lime juice its distinct, citrusy scent. Isolated terpenes are used in cosmetics, perfumes, bath products, and much more. Even after reading what terpenes and essential oils are, you may still be confused. For starters, the primary difference between terpenes and essential oils are that essential oils contain ter

Best Anxiety Relief Products That Can Help Calm Anxiety

  Anxiety exasperates and makes you feel so down, but there is no complete cure. Some anxiety is a part of your life and it is quite normal. It helps you to calculate risks, be aware of the danger, and stay organized. However, when anxiety becomes a daily struggle one can face symptoms like racing heart, tension, chest pain, nervousness, etc. To manage anxiety many depend on products for anxiety relief. Well, It can cause side effects if you take these products without consulting your doctor. You can adopt some natural methods and discuss it with your doctor before going for any anxiety product that you think is fine for you. Anxiety is a very common mental health issue that can be treated with some stress and anxiety relief products. But, there are some natural ways that can help calm anxiety as well. It will allow you to mitigate the crippling effects and give you a lot of relief. For healthy living, these natural anxiety relief products and a wide range of natural remedies can be co

Life Hacks for Very Busy Moms

  Motherhood is one of the busiest phases of your life, and it’s amazing to realize how much you can accomplish in a single day. Staying organized is essential for making sure that you don’t forget essential appointments or that critical stuffed toy, but you may still find yourself feeling exhausted before your daily routine is through. These life hacks for very busy moms will help you streamline your routine while also making more time available to enjoy the best things in life. Become a Meal Prepper While you may think that prepping meals for the week requires too much time. However, meal prepping actually saves you time on your busiest nights by giving you an easy way to grab the ingredients you need to make your family’s meals. Try starting out slow by just chopping up some vegetables on an evening off. You’ll love how easy it is to toss these into stews or whip up a side dish, and you can even prep breakfasts and lunches, too. Get Organized the Night Before Those early morning scr

New push to legalise vaping in Western Australia

  While you may see people vaping on Perth’s streets every day, the fact is they could face a fine of up to $45,000 for using an e-cigarette containing nicotine. And while it’s not illegal to vape without nicotine, the sale and supply of vape gear in Western Australia remains so. The advocacy group Legalise Vaping Australia along with Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (ATHRA) have enlisted the support of  Liberal Democrats MP Aaron Stonehouse . Right now they’re on a mission to collect 50,000 signatures as part of a petition in support of the legislation of vaping which Mr Stonehouse will present to Parliament by the end of the year. ATHRA director Dr Joe Kosterich  has also lent his support to the campaign.  He recently told NINE News in WA that it’s important that vaping is legalised to help reduce the rates of smoking and the harm done through smoking. “We know that two out of three smokers will die from smoking related illnesses,” he said. “In this country we have the h

Vapers Are Safe To Use Regulated Vaping Products, Say Experts

HEALTH officials have hit back over claims vaping is responsible for an outbreak of respiratory disease in the US and have reassured the public that regulated products continue to be safe to use. Experts stepped in to appease public worry after news outlets reported there have been six deaths and 450 cases of a severe respiratory illness, thought to be linked to vaping, across 33 states of America. The patients were reported to be mostly young people with symptoms including shortness of breath, coughing, fever, fatigue and vomiting. Of those hospitalized, many admitted to vaping a variety of substances including marijuana-based products and do-it-yourself brews, not regulated products. US investigators are yet to establish the exact cause, but samples taken from patients with the condition showed high levels of vitamin E acetate, used as a thickening agent on the black market, which is commonly used to vape cannabis products. In light of the news, the US government’s Food and Drink Adm


  Vapers who use mods for   nicotine vapes   have a lot of new terminology to learn. With people throwing out words like watts, ohms, amps and volts as if they’re common knowledge and talking about things like Ohm’s law that you’re lucky if you remember from high school physics, feeling overwhelmed by it all is pretty common. But the good news is that it doesn’t take long to get up to speed with the basics you’ll need to safely and effectively work your mod. So here’s a brief guide to everything you need to know to get started with your VW or mechanical mod. Vapers often give the advice that “you should learn Ohm’s law before you start vaping with a mod,” but in some cases they don’t really explain why. Ohm’s law tells you the relationships between voltage, current, resistance and power, and so it is central to how vaping works. The main reason that Ohm’s law is important is working out how much current your coil will draw from the battery. This is important because batteries can only

4 Coolest Alternative To Smoking

  Smoking has been identified as one of the harmful habits that predispose us to a higher risk of infections and possible system breakdown. While it starts as a harmless routine, it grows to become an almost impossible habit to leave. To quit smoking, psychotherapists often suggest that smokers adopt an alternative lifestyle capable of producing the same effects but in a healthier way. Although there are several habits and routines that can serve as alternatives to smoking, this article will focus on the five coolest alternatives to smoking and how they can serve to provide a better effect. Vaping and smoking involve inhaling vapors or smoke directly into the lungs. While the latter focuses on using cigarettes containing nicotine, the former focuses on the use of herbal cigarettes with no tobacco or nicotine concentration. Products vitamin air have been vaped to offer users a vast array of health benefits. The use of  vitamin B12  vaporizers and herbal diffusers are gradually gaining m

How Terpenes Help Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation, as most of us are aware, is a natural defense mechanism of our body to prevent further damage or deterioration from any arising condition. However, in certain cases like arthritis or bowel syndrome, inflammatory conditions have worsened many times. Multiple medical studies conclude how aging also brings in its trail certain disorders that show inflammation for an ever-increasing population globally. Understanding inflammation and Terpenes Inflammation is accompanied by a range of biochemical processes controlled wholly by gene expressions and complex signaling. For the majority of inflammatory diseases, it’s the  Nuclear factor-kB  (NF-kb) that functions as the chief regulator for c. Since both CBD and THC cannot be differentiated by smell, the terpenoids in cannabis are what lends each of them their unique fragrance that can be either like chocolate or citrus-like fruits. Besides, their medicinal value is what makes them distinctly different and demandin

How Terpenes Increase The Effects Of CBD

   In time, several medical studies and researches have backed up the befitting idea of working with terpenes that forms an integral part of medical and therapeutic remedies. As such, terpenes are now being looked at as a major constituent of relief offering compounds to cases of inflammation, chronic pain, and anxiety which seems to work great as a supplement to  effects of CBD  therapy.  Limonene, as the name suggests, is responsible for imparting citrus aromas to fruits and is known for its inherent antibacterial and antifungal properties. It also functions to lower stress levels and instantly enhances mood by boosting the prediction of serotonin. Pinene, as one can only guess, is found in pines and does a great job in treating inflammation and septic cases. No wonder it has been an important choice for herbal medicines for centuries. Alpha Pinene is one such extract that is directly responsible for enhancing cognitive functions and focus. Ever used lavender to unwi

6 Steps To Open Your Own Vape Shop

The Vaping Industry has gained a lot of popularity and even though it has become controversial the industry turnover is still lucrative. It is worth $61.4 billion. Therefore, many are curious to get a Vape Shop as it is among the fastest business growing trends today. It is making sense to the entrepreneurs and the stats are very convincing as well. In research conducted by Quartz in 2016, it was discovered that about 2.7 shops are there for each bowling alley in the United States of America. It is continuing to be the most profitable business  and if this is something that you are interested in, here are 6 simple steps to open a vape shop. Step 1: Writing a business plan  Once you have chosen the type of business you want to start you need to decide its name and come up with a business structure. These are important things to start a vaping business and do some planning as well as research. It will go along with business plan writing. Step 2: Registering your business and getting any